
Recent news articles are displayed below with the most recent article first.

Spring Rally. We would like to post any photos you may have of the event. Please get in touch.


Renewals for 2024 are over-due. You can test to see whether you have paid or not by trying to log-in to the new website at using your personal password (NameNumber). You can pay using the Renew Membership button on the right of the home page where no password is required.


Summer Rally 2023 - Rutland


Look under GALLERY and CLUB EVENTS for pictures of the summer rally.

Rallies: First Port of Call


Member Andy Bailey has kindly accepted the role of Future Rally Co-ordinator on behalf of the BNMC.  Anyone contemplating organising a rally in the future should contact Andy initially to confirm rally spots available. Andy can provide you with advice and the necessary documentation to make the arrangements as smooth as possible. You will find Andy’s contact details in your Membership List and in the Members area of the website.